Friday, September 18, 2015

Book Blurb: Cairn: A Dragon Memoir by Rebecca Ferrell Porter

Cairn: A Dragon Memoir (Legends of the Aurora, #2)Cairn: A Dragon Memoir by Rebecca Ferrell Porter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This turned out to be the second book of a series, but was easy enough to follow without knowing anything about the first book. It's a light, easy read with some engaging characters and intriguing world-building -- enough that I'm now curious about the first book.

The world presented here is a neat little subversion of normal expectations for a fantasy. Fairies are presented as aggressors; trolls are decent folk wanting to be left to themselves; and dragons are a noble race who have overcome their baser instincts.

The one drawback which kept me from fully enjoying the book was that it needs a more thorough editing. The typos and wayward apostrophes were just prevalent enough to distract me from the story being told.

View all my reviews

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